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Enter the characters you waffle maker belgian below Sorry, we just need to make sure you’re not a robot. American track and field coach and co-founder of Nike, Inc.

Bowerman disliked being called a coach, and during his 24 years at the University of Oregon, the Ducks track and field team had a winning season every year but one, attained 4 NCAA titles, and finished in the top 10 in the nation sixteen times. Elizabeth Hoover Bowerman, had grown up in Fossil. Bowerman attended Medford and Seattle schools before returning to Medford for high school. He played in the high school band and for the state champion football team his junior and senior years. Bowerman first met Barbara Young, the woman he married, while a high school student in Medford.

In 1929, Bowerman attended the University of Oregon to play football and study journalism. At the suggestion of longtime track coach Bill Hayward, he also joined the track team. He was a member of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity. Bowerman married Barbara Young on June 22, 1936. Their first son, Jon, was born June 22, 1938. Their third son, Tom, was born May 20, 1946.

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