
Vitamix protein shake

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This post may contain affiliate links. We present you, a green smoothie that doesn’t taste green! This peanut butter green smoothie is a fan favorite. It is packed with protein, greens, and peanut butter goodness!

We present to you, a green smoothie that doesn’t taste green! One easy way to get those greens in is with a green smoothie! If you love the classic green smoothie with kale, spinach, and orange juice, go for it! We have so many traditional green smoothie recipes on FFF and they do taste like your good ole fashion green smoothie! This peanut butter green smoothie recipe is a bit different! You are going to taste more peanut butter banana than you do green.

However, you are still getting all of the green goodness you would get from any other green smoothie! The 5 Ingredients You Need This delicious peanut butter green smoothie can be ready in under 5 minutes and only uses 5 ingredients! The ingredient combination in this smoothie just works! Some would think that it is a bit weird to combine spinach with peanut butter, but the strong flavors of the peanut butter and frozen bananas cover the spinach flavor!

A big win for those of you who don’t want to taste the green flavor of the spinach! Creamy Smoothie There is nothing worse than a watery smoothie. We prefer smoothies that are thick and creamy! Sometimes it can be hard to blend a smoothie to a perfect consistency, but here are some of the tricks we use to produce the perfect smoothie! We highly recommend using frozen fruit over fresh fruit! Fresh fruit tends to omit more liquid than frozen fruit.

We also HIGHLY recommend avoiding ice, if possible! Ice also tends to produce a more watery smoothie. Keep a stash of frozen fruit in you freezer at all times or freeze extra berries or fruit that you have at home for DIY frozen fruit. You only need to freeze your fruit for 30-60 minutes for it to be smoothie ready!

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