
Violet summers

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer is an American franchise which spans several media and genres. Amanda is a Potential Slayer who appears in Season Seven, played by Sarah Hagan. Amy Madison is a recurring character who appears in all the seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer except Season Five. She was played by Elizabeth Anne Allen. A classmate of Buffy’s and Willow’s at Sunnydale High School, in the Season One episode “Witch”, it initially appears that Amy is being forced by Catherine Madison, her insane and abusive mother, to try out for the cheerleading squad despite her skills being noticeably weaker than those of the others auditioning. Amy appears again in Seasons Two and Three as a Sunnydale High School student. When Buffy and Willow go off to UC-Sunndyale, Amy-Rat goes with them.

As a result of Willow’s will becoming a magic medium through which any wish of hers instantly comes true in the Season Four episode “Something Blue”, Amy is very briefly turned back into a human—and moments later, back into a rat. Willow is unaware of the transformation she accomplished. In Season Six, after much research, a much more powerful Willow casts a spell and Amy is made human once more. Amy repays Willow by introducing her to the warlock Rack and abetting Rack in addicting Willow to dark magic.

Later, when Willow decides to give up magic entirely, Amy casts a spell on her, causing her to magically manipulate everything she touches. The character has appeared in the comic book series Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight and Season Ten. She has become an opponent of the Slayer and her support organization headed up by Xander Harris, and appears to be using her magical skills for evil ends. Buffy the Vampire Slayer and later crossing over into three episodes of Angel, portrayed by Julia Lee. She is not seen again until Season Two of Angel, where she becomes a recurring character by the full name Anne Steele. The gives the character the rare distinction of being one of few, not counting main cast characters, to appear at least once in both an episode of Buffy and an episode of Angel. Anne is also the name of Spike’s mother, portrayed by Caroline Lagerfelt.

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