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As a result, the web page can not be displayed. If you’re a visitor of this website: Please try again in a valentines gift from bump to daddy minutes. Your IP: Click to reveal 46. The Beauty and the Beast television series left so much to the imagination and so many questions unanswered.

Happily, many talented writers have filled in the gaps and continued the story of Vincent and Catherine and the rest of the community, Below and Above. We hope you enjoy the stories you find here. A little envelope icon next to a writer’s name will provide their email address. The search also works with any words within the stories. The search results will open a new window. In 2005 and 2006, Winterfest Online featured a series of interviews with creative and generous fans who had allowed their works to be presented online. The collection of interviews was titled “In Celebration and Appreciation,”  and provided wonderful insight into the lives and thoughts of these talented individuals.

You’ll find links to the interviews under the names of the authors. IMPORTANT MESSAGE: The owner of this website has been given specific permission by the authors and artists to post all of the Beauty and the Beast fan fiction and art which appears on this site. Writers of all levels of experience are encouraged to submit their Beauty and the Beast fanfiction stories to Tunnel Tales. Authors are welcome to send new stories as well as those that have previously appeared elsewhere online or in print.

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