
Trimming beef cheeks

He’s popular for his famous Big Steppy AKA the Oh Lawd He Comin meme. Lulu is a brown tabby-coated Munchkin Scottish Fold cat, with a white trimming beef cheeks, golden-brownish eyes, an M mark on his forehead, and his distinctive bushy raccoon-like tail. He has dark-colored paw pads and, being a Munchkin, he also has short legs, while his large round head and folded ears come from his Scottish Fold side. He is the most mischievous of all Claire’s cats, taking after previous troublemaker Momo.

He is an extrovert, funny cat with a brilliant smartness which helps him compensate for his physical problems. Even in the early onsets of his disease, he never became sad or felt like his condition would be limiting his quality of life, attitude which Dr. Kim acknowledged as a positive healing force for him. The most noticeable fact about him is that he is an eternally hungry foodie, always on the hunt for treats and often throwing tantrums at Claire in order to get some food, despite receiving full meals and having to follow a strict diet as he can’t gain too much weight. He eats even unimaginable things for a cat, like durian and bananas, but refuses scary-looking foods like big prawns and octopus. He hates being touched too much and as a consequence poor Claire has a hard time trimming his nails and cleaning his ears, however he does seem to enjoy having his teeth brushed. He uses his trademark hind-leg-kick to keep her away every time she attempts to touch his belly.

Lulu also has no sense of privacy, often invading the other cats’ personal spaces and kicking them out of their comfortable spots, most notably Coco and Momo. However, this does not include Lala and Chuchu, with whom he has a very close relationship: he can be usually seen grooming her lovingly and sitting with her. Since he has a strong grip with his teeth and his fangs are quite overdeveloped compared to his tiny frame, Lulu can be considered the family’s destroyer, often biting hard and prematurely breaking or punching holes into lots of items. He tends to get nervous around cats he does not know well, like Sharon, as seen in one of the videos where Claire brings Lulu to the vet. Sharon shows up, and Lulu begins to growl nervously, hissing at her.

Lulu has been adopted by Claire as a kitten together with Lala. His life prior to adoption is actually unknown, although his genealogy has been disclosed in the video announcing his disease. At the time, Lulu was the youngest amongst the seven original cats, being 17 days younger than Chuchu. As he grew a little older and close to Chuchu and Lala, he developed a confusing love-hate relationship with young Momo, so the two often wrestled and fought despite Lulu was still a kitten and couldn’t clearly compete with him. Momo got also somehow protective towards him: when Lulu was once drinking water from a very high plastic box, Momo approached him and thinking he might end up falling inside, pulled him down. Just like most of other cats, Lulu was being adopted when he was a little baby.

He’s really fond with Claire, where he often goes quickly sleep when Claire petting him. But the sleeping habit has gone since he’s now an adult. She even once told Lulu a bedtime story, as he’s getting sleepy and finally sleep on Claire’s lap. Momo often behaves in a cold and serious way with Lulu, while Lulu is sometimes aggressive towards him, as seen when he wrestled Momo out of the scratcher Momo was already sitting in. The two occasionally fight each other, though usually the fights do not get serious due to Momo always sparing the younger cat. Unlike Lulu’s relationships with the other cats, he is very close to Chuchu, often seen sitting by her side and grooming her.

However, once he groomed her too much when she wanted to rest, causing the two to get into a brief brawl, as Chuchu had gone through notable personality changes, including more confidence and activity. Lulu is mostly soft towards her, implying a romantic relationship. The two have been together since kittenhood, growing up side by side. They once even held hands, as shown in a video.

Claire several times: Lulu and TT are the ultimate rivals ever. TT often punches or even bites him when he comes too close to her, and TT once got angry at the mere sight of Lulu, and punched him for no reason. It is unknown how TT reacted towards Lulu when he was a kitten, however, it can be assumed from some of the early videos Ms. Claire posted that even when he was young TT was not very fond of him. Lulu and Lala are partners-in-crime, as Lala starting to mirror Lulu’s naughty behavior. The two often seen to groom each other.

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