
Things to get him for valentine’s day

A Charlie Brown Valentine is the 40th animated television special based on characters from the Charles M. Initially broadcast February 14, 2002 on ABC, A Charlie Brown Valentine was the first new Peanuts special to air on television since 1994’s You’re in the Super Bowl, Charlie Brown, and the first original special to be televised since Schulz’s death in February 2000. This special begins with Charlie Brown sitting on a bench at lunch, trying to get the nerve to talk things to get him for valentine’s day the Little Red Haired Girl, but of course, chickening out.

He says he feels silly to chicken out, because he knows he is the type of person she would like. The Little Red Haired Girl walks by, and drops her pencil. Later that day, Charlie Brown buys an inexpensive box of chocolates for the Little Red Haired Girl, and decides to hide behind a tree and give it to her, commenting Love makes you do strange things. Throughout the cartoon Sally Brown tries to make Linus like her but to no avail. The next day, Marcie is seen making a Valentine’s card for Charlie Brown, and telling Peppermint Patty that she is very fond of him. Later that day, Marcie goes over to Charlie Brown’s house to ask him if he likes her, and all Charlie Brown says is, “Do I what?

Charlie Brown buys the Little Red Haired Girl a valentine, and then he wants to practice giving it to her. He tells Snoopy to pretend to be the little Red Haired Girl while he practices delivering the valentine. Snoopy answers with a wig on, which annoys Charlie Brown. Charlie Brown still does not know what to do about the Little Red Haired Girl.

Linus suggests Charlie Brown should invite her to the school Valentine’s Day dance. Charlie Brown agrees, but first asks Linus to talk to her to find out if she likes him. Linus goes over and asks her if she likes Charlie Brown. However, the Little Red Haired girl does not notice there was a kid in their class named Charlie Brown.

Later, in class, Charlie Brown tries to impress the Little Red Haired Girl by winking at her. However, before she can notice him, the teacher sends Charlie Brown to the nurse because she thinks he is winking because his eye hurts him. The next day, Valentine’s Day, Charlie Brown notices the Little Red Haired Girl handing out valentines. He gets excited that she might give him a valentine, but becomes discouraged when she does not give him one. Later, when Charlie Brown and Linus are at the wall, Linus suggests that Charlie Brown calls her to invite her to the Valentine’s Day dance. Charlie Brown says he cannot because he is worried she might hang up in his face. Linus tells him that is the beauty of calling on the phone.

If she hangs up on one ear, that is not considered the whole face. Later, Charlie Brown with Linus dials on the phone, attempting to call the Girl. However, on the other side of the line, Marcie picks up. Charlie Brown realizes he dialed the wrong number. He tells that to Marcie, and Marcie says she understands, and she thinks he probably meant to call Peppermint Patty. She tells him lucky for him, that Patty is here.

She gives the phone to Patty. That night, Charlie Brown puts on a suit, because he has to go to the ball with Peppermint Patty. He goes to feed Snoopy first, but Snoopy puts on a bowtie and goes with him. When they arrive at the party, Charlie Brown is told that Snoopy can not come in because dogs are not allowed at this party. Charlie Brown tells a lie to the host that Snoopy is really a kid who comes dressed as a dog because he thinks it was a costume party, so Snoopy is allowed.

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