
Sushi recipe

A star rating of 4 out of 5. Learn how to make perfect sushi rice with this sushi recipe step-by-step recipe.

To make the rice, first wash it thoroughly in a sieve for 4 mins, gently turning it over by hand until the water runs clear. Drain the rice and put it in a pan with 540ml water. Leave it to stand for a minimum of 30 mins. It can be left overnight, but for best results, leave it for 30 mins-1 hr.

Leave the soaking water in the pan with the rice and bring to the boil, put the lid on, reduce the heat and simmer for 8 -9 mins. Turn the heat off and let it stand with the lid on for a further 5 mins. While the rice is cooking, to make the sushi-su, put the rice vinegar, sugar and 1 tbsp salt into a pan and leave on a low heat until the sugar and salt have dissolved. Be careful not to let it boil or the flavour will spoil.

Remove from the heat and leave to cool. Put the rice into a wide flat dish such as a sushi oke, a baking dish or a roasting tray. Pour the sushi-su over the rice and fold it carefully into the rice with a wooden spoon as it cools down, being careful not to damage the grains. You can use a fan or a hairdryer on the coolest setting to speed up the cooling process, directing it at the rice.

The sushi-su gives the rice more flavour and that familiar sticky glazed look. If you don’t want to use the rice immediately, cover it with a damp cloth so that it doesn’t dry out. Leave in a cool place, but do not refrigerate. The fridge will make the rice hard and dry, and the sushi-su helps to preserve the rice without refrigeration. What kind of rice is sushi rice? Technically, ‘sushi rice’ is cooked rice flavoured with vinegar and seasoning, not raw rice. The rice used to make sushi is short-grain, but a specific type that has a unique flavour to other short-grained rice and behaves differently when cooked.

Much of the sushi rice available in the UK is grown in Italy using traditional Japanese methods. Risotto and paella rice can’t be used for sushi. Though they are also short-grain rice, they are intended for different cooking methods. Try several varieties to find one that you like, then buy a large bag to make it cost-effective. It will keep in an airtight container for up to a year. What kind of seasoning can be used for sushi rice? Sushi rice is traditionally seasoned with rice vinegar, sugar and salt.

If you want to use different seasonings, you’ll have to take this into account. How do I know when the sushi rice is perfectly cooked? Sushi rice is cooked using an absorption method, meaning that you’ll need to measure both the rice and water and cook it with a lid on for a set amount of time. When this time is up, the rice should have absorbed all of the water. You then need to add the seasoning and cool it down quickly so that any excess moisture evaporates and you are left with tender, sticky rice.

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