

Ingredients We have always been committed to preparing real food made with real ingredients. You know, the kind you can recognize and pronounce. Sofritas fact, we’ve listed every single one of them right here. We wish everyone would do the same.

This ginger tea latte is perfect for Christmas and winter. It’s also a healthy alternative to coffee and tastes so good! Martin would say, Winter is coming and it’s really cold outside! We don’t have super cold winters in the south of Spain, but although I was born in the north, I prefer the warm weather.

I think I could live in any country in the whole world, but if I have to choose, I would live in place where summer lasts all year long. Hot beverages are great for this season, I have at least one every day. I’ve been trying new drinks lately, like this ginger tea latte. I shared with you my turmeric latte, which is so delicious and as I love lattes, I need to try this one. Both lattes are amazing, but I think I prefer this recipe because ginger is perfect for Christmas and also because I love how this drink tastes.

Besides, tea is a healthy alternative to coffee. You can also remove this ingredient if you want. It’s also a healthy alternative to coffee and tastes so good! I used a milk frother to get a better texture, but it’s optional. You can also blend the mixture in a blender if you want.

Cook over high heat until it’s hot, but don’t bring it to a boil. Remove from the heat, pour the mixture into a mug, add the tea bag and let it infuse according to package directions. Remove the tea bag and your ginger tea latte is ready to drink. Find me on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. I picked up some turmeric ginger tea the other day and wanted to know how to make it a latte? I am looking more for the ration of tea to milk as I already have the tea premixed.

As I write, a mug of it is steaming on my desk. Thank you so much for sharing the recipe. I recently discovered your blog, subscribed and am looking forward to folding your recipes into my cooking repertoire! Making the vegan Ikea meatballs this week for sure! Can I ask, what stage did you use the milk frother? When the mixture was already heated in the sauce pan, or did you froth it up before heating it? I use the frother when the mixture is already heated.

I usually buy those ingredients in any health store or online. What kind of chai tea did you use? I’m so glad you liked our blog. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.

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