
Ranking gfuel flavors

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If you do 15 cans a day your kidneys go full circle and start working perfectly again. I drink this one every day youtube. Sleep is literally the most important aspect of health. Saying you don’t have time to sleep is saying you don’t have time to exist in the universe. Reduced sleep will kill you quicker.

Prioritize sleep over everything else, money, job or education. It’s the most essential basic need. Or face the consequences of being legally drunk for your entire waking existence. It will make you poorer, Dumber and fatter -scientifically proven. Unless your life depended on it that specific day, you need to sleep as much as you need to and no less. Because the alternative a cycle of your brain melting away, your body withering into obesity, high blood pressure and accelerated aging. When you only sleep 6 hours a night you end up with less time overall because your brain will be so inefficient at learning that you need to spend catch up time to get the exams done for instance.

Or you’ll need a month more of training on your job because you need everything explained over and over. It’s mostly a general thing, your body consume muslce as opposed to fat in a sleep deprived state, supposedly because the nervous system expects danger. Even if you’re skinny, bad sleep greatly diminishes your ability to both produce and keep muscle mass. HLTV is the foremost place to get scientific knowledge. Actually the doctors hate him way to rank up in cs.

This is pretty bad because regularity is so important, so trying to get more disciplined about what i do before sleeping. Right now it’s either reading with dim lights or listening to a podcast. It’s mostly to get rid of anxiety. I usually stop my pc at 10pm and read for an hour with dim lighting as well then sleeping at 11pm and waking up at 8am. I have read a bit about “napping” which i think you’re referring to, that people form especially the hotter climates used to do during the mid day to escape the heat.

There’s a section in “Why we sleep” about it which also illustrated some very harmful effects to those that were forced out of napping due to pressure from society, i think it was in portugal or italy, something like that. And for naps, more than 20min of sleep can give you the “zombie mode” let’s say when you wake up, like blury brain. I have “why we sleep” on my reading list haha. For me, i used podcasts streaming from my ipad to some airpods, so like no wires, complete darkness in bed to like move me away from using phones.

But it really helped me break my addiction and eventually got me onto reading which i like to do now. So it can be a great help. And there’s a bunch of good podcasts out there for anything you want. It’s the right to do it. If I would do same thing I’ll just put Alexa on.

It’s a great way to do it bro, genuinely. Do you mind giving me a list of some of the stuff you’ve been reading about sleep? That tell you, it’s time to sleep. This clock is slightly longer than a normal 24 hour day.

Im pretty immune to caffeine, I can drink 5 energy drinks and fall asleep. I often drink coffee and then go to bed. Reason why it makes you sleep more is most likely because your sleep quality is in a drastic decline if you ingest caffeine before sleeping. Your body cannot descend into deep sleep if it’s filled with caffeine and you will need to extend your sleep just to cover the bases, and it still won’t be very good sleep. They can call it whatever they want, until soda companies come up with some more inventive flavors than the same rehashed “cola” “root beer” “ginger” “cream” they’ll have a market cornered at a ridiculous price point. I don’t rly drink em often but I always enjoy a pipeline punch monster or their green apple one. Chubby sodas and jones soda have creative flavors but I don’t see them around as much tbh.

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