
Mickey mouse cupcakes

Harshita is a graduate in commerce and holds a PG Diploma in Patent and Copyrights Law from NALSAR University. Making funny faces, telling food stories and sneaking mickey mouse cupcakes purees in their food, basically, you have tried everything.

As a parent you still find it challenging sometimes, to make your child eat healthily. When you want your child to explore more eating options, try food games for kids. These games make eating time more cheerful and kids tend to relish food when they are also involved in the making, through some interesting food activities. Is your child a fussy eater? Here is a list of fun food games for kids to bring a change in their eating habits. If your child is already into jewelry, then let them make a food fashion statement.

You will require a ribbon or a string and some colorful cereal. Lay down the cereal on a platform. Take the ribbon long enough to cover the child’s neck. Tie a knot on one end and keep the other end open for the cereals to pass through.

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