
Mesh ball

AuthorsSébastien Loriot, Mael Rouxel-Labbé, Jane Tournois, Ilker O. Introduction This package implements a collection of methods and classes mesh ball polygon mesh processing, ranging from basic operations on simplices, to complex geometry processing algorithms.

The implementation of this package mainly follows algorithms and references given in Botsch et al. Polygon Mesh A polygon mesh is a consistent and orientable surface mesh, that can have one or more boundaries. A polygon mesh can have any number of connected components, and also some self-intersections. API This package follows the BGL API described in CGAL and the Boost Graph Library.

Named Parameters are used to deal with optional parameters. The page Named Parameters describes their usage. Meshing : meshing algorithms, including triangulation of non-triangulated meshes, refinement, optimization by fairing, isotropic remeshing of triangulated surface meshes and smoothing algorithms. Corefinement and Boolean Operations : methods to corefine triangle meshes and to compute boolean operations out of corefined closed triangle meshes. Hole Filling : available hole filling algorithms, which can possibly be combined with refinement and fairing.

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