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What Is Pansexuality—And How Is It Different From Bisexuality? Twenty years ago, masculine valentine gifts queer community referred to itself as the LGBT community. The added letters stand for Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Ally, Pansexual, Two-spirit, and plus for the remaining labels not represented in the acronym. Undoubtedly, the growing number of identity labels is a lot to keep track of, but in this explainer, we’re going to focus on the P, which stands for pansexuality.

So what exactly is pansexuality, who are more likely to identify with the P, and how does it differ from bisexuality? Pansexuality can be different from bisexuality, but sometimes, both identities indicate the same attractions. Pansexuality was birthed from this confusion. But let’s start with defining pansexual, since it has one universally-accepted definition. Because of this, many folks, perhaps even the majority of people, believe that a bisexual person is attracted to only two groups of people: cisgender men and cisgender women. If you’re one to believe this, you may think that the term bisexual is exclusive of trans and nonbinary folks.

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