
How to make a fruit smoothie

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Dragon Fruit Smoothie Published on 6. I actually found a whole box of dragon fruit at Costco last summer, which is their typical growing season. You can also purchase this fruit already peeled and diced in the freezer section. It tastes similar to kiwi or pear, and is a great fruit in many different recipes.

Trader Joe’s even sells freeze-dried dragon fruit pieces that are great toppings for any kind of smoothie bowl. I just can’t resist adding them in to my afternoon snack! Rawk the Year is my plant based, whole food meal planner that contains all of these recipes and then some. The easiest way to cut a fresh dragon fruit is right through the middle.

I’m talking about the thick belly part. Then just scoop out the flesh with a spoon. Now you just need to not scoop it directly into your mouth, and instead scoop it into your blender for this dragon fruit smoothie recipe. More FAQs Now on to the questions! What fruits go well with dragon fruit?

In this dragon fruit smoothie recipe, I paired it with mango and pineapple, as well as lime. Pretty much any tropical fruits pair well together. If you really want to jazz up this smoothie, then swap out the almond milk for coconut milk. What are the side effects of dragon fruit? Unless you are allergic to this tropical fruit, you shouldn’t experience any weird or unpleasant side effects from consuming it. How can I make dragon fruit taste better? If dragon fruit doesn’t make your taste buds dance, then you can still reap the benefits but mask the taste.

Coconut, lemon and lime as well as banana are all powerhouse smoothie ingredients taste-wise. Simple and sweet with a vibrant pink color, this Dragon Fruit Smoothie can be topped with your favorite sliced fruit, granola, chia seeds or hemp seeds for a splendid breakfast or plant-based snack. Pour into a glass and enjoy! I have a vitamix and I’m always making the same recipes. I’ve wanted to try dragon fruit for a while now and was scared. Yet this smoothie was really good. I LOVE the color of this smoothie.

This bright pink smoothie is so refreshing! I will be making this one, very often. I found pink dragon fruit at Costco and it did not disappoint in this smoothie! It was sweeter than I thought, so I might use a bit less next time.

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