
High protein pancakes

With 29g of protein in each serving, this delicous breakfast stack is the perfect fuel after exercise. In a small bowl stir the flaxseeds with 6 tbsp water and set aside to high protein pancakes while you make the jam.

Mash the blueberries with a fork in a pan then set over a low-medium heat until syrupy and bubbling. Remove from the heat and stir in the chia seeds, maple syrup and lemon juice. Leave to cool slightly then transfer to a small serving jar. Put the ground almonds, milk, flour, banana, maple syrup and a pinch of salt in a blender. Stir the flax to make sure it has become thick and gloopy, like an egg, then tip into the mix and blitz until smooth and thick. Heat 1 tsp of coconut oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat and add tablespoon dollops of batter into the pan.

Cook for a couple of mins on one side until the edges are browning, and bubbles have formed on top. Once the pale, white batter has turned a sandy colour, flip over with a spatula and cook for another few mins till dark golden brown. Pile the pancakes high between two plates, alternating the layers with spoonfuls of jam and yogurt. Dollop any remaining yogurt and another spoonful of jam on top then scatter over the nuts, seeds and berries to serve.

Leftover jam will keep in the fridge for up to 1 week. RECIPE TIPSQUINOA FLOURIf you can’t find quinoa flour you can grind uncooked quinoa grains to flour in a high-speed blender. MORE HIGH-PROTEIN BREAKFASTSDiscover more delicious ideas in our high-protein breakfast recipe collection. This website is published by Immediate Media Company Limited under licence from BBC Studios Distribution.

What better way to start the daily grind than with a breakfast that isn’t just hearty, but healthy and packed with protein? In this article, we’ve rounded up 17 high-protein breakfast recipes for the calorie and protein counter. Fed up with oats or eggs for breakfast? Try this recipe for high protein pancakes. This recipe for protein pancakes is free of added sugar and made with muscle-repairing, craving-busting protein. This simple recipe for protein pancakes takes minutes to prepare and is a great way to kick-start your day with a protein boost! Sure, toast is delicious but it’s not exactly healthy either.

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