
Grilled ribeye

00743 11 40 C 11 55. 007431 grilled ribeye 40 69 C 47. Learn How to Grill a Ribeye Steak on a Gas Grill with these easy to follow step by step photo instructions for delicious results. You can be the grill master, too.

Introduction A very special meal for special occasions or as an everyday surprise. Ribeye steaks contain great marbling which makes them one the most delicious steaks to grill. A little bigger than a filet but in the same class as one of the top steaks available. This steak is really a cut of “prime rib roast” that most people love. By cooking it as a steak, you can trim some of the irritating fat and enjoy some great Maillard reaction to add even more taste. Location of ribeye steak – Image licensed May 16, 2017, from Fotolia.

Image modified in accordance with the license. Think of a ribeye steak as a slice of a prime rib roast. It can come with the rib or boneless. Sometimes the bone in variety is referred to as a prime rib steak, but they are the same cut of meat. The boneless version is much more common. Some people believe that the bone will add some flavor and it even will sell for a little more.

I’m not a believer, and I’m generally going for boneless and consider the bone as paying a premium price for some waste. You can get thinner, but I don’t suggest not going under 1 inch thick. I consider too much for a serving. QUALITY DOES MATTER It is all about quality when buying ribeye. Most people don’t want to pay the price for prime. Do not confuse the term “prime” and “prime rib.

Prime is referring to a grade of meat while the term prime rib is a cut of meat that can be various grades. The next step down is Choice. About half the beef sold in the USA is choice, and this is what you will usually buy and is an excellent choice. Look for a nicely marbled piece that is well trimmed if you can.

Select is next step down but just say no. The Grill You need to know your grill. 10 grill surface thermometer and get to know your grill. Your endpoint is the internal temperature you want or a little less. DO NOT COOK BY TIME ALONE. Remember, you can always cook it a bit more later but it is impossible to uncook a steak.

But this is highly variable due to the exact grill temperature, the thickness, and initial temperature of the steak, and your desired final internal temperature. So, when is it done for you? There is a lot of snobbiness about this. The “rare” people will unfriend you on facebook if you disagree.

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