
Cupcakes in mason jars recipe

This step-by-step guide will cupcakes in mason jars recipe you how to make rock candy. It’s a great chance to learn some science—with a treat at the end! Making rock candy is a great intro to being crafty in the kitchen.

It’s a fun project for scientists of any age—and learning how to make rock candy is the perfect rainy day activity. Here are snacks to make when you get hungry, too! Add the sugar one cup at a time, making sure to stir now and then. Once the sugar is dissolved, remove the pan from the heat and put it off to the side to cool. Fruity flavors like orange, strawberry or cherry are always big hits, but almond or lavender are delicious grown-up options as well.

This is also the perfect time to add a few drops of food coloring. Take your wooden skewers and carefully dip them into the sugar solution. Pour the extra sugar on a plate and roll the skewers in sugar to coat them. Finally, clip a clothespin to each skewer—this will let you hang them in your jars or glasses. Place one sugar-coated stick in each jar while being careful not to let them touch the jar itself.

Leaving the skewers in the solution longer will make the rock candy larger. Unwrap the jars and remove the skewers. They should be chunky, sugary and ready to eat! Notes from the Kitchen:If you don’t have mason jars: Water glasses or even plastic cups will do the trick as long as they’re large enough to suspend the skewers. If your rock candy is stuck to the jar: Simply pop the jar in warm water for a couple of minutes.

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