
Chinese food memes

We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we love. How to Find Your Chinese Zodiac Sign Are you chinese food memes Ox? Do you know your Chinese zodiac sign?

Chinese astrology dates back thousands of years and uses different zodiac signs than those used in Western astrology. Unlike Western zodiac signs, which depend on the day you were born and change monthly, Chinese zodiac signs depend on the year you were born and change yearly. FYI: The date of the Lunar New Year changes every year but always begins sometime between January 21 and February 20. That’s because it’s based on the lunisolar calendar and not the Gregorian calendar. The legend of how the animals came to join the zodiac stems from a legend of Buddha leaving Earth. As word spread of his exit, the animals gathered to bid him farewell. The first was Rat, then came Ox, then Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Monkey, Sheep, Rooster, Dog, and finally Boar.

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