
Bow buns

You can edit the text bow buns this area, and change where the contact form on the right submits to, by entering edit mode using the modes on the bottom right. Tuxedo Park is a manufacturer of formal wear and uniform accessories such as bow ties, vests, suspenders and other tuxedo apparel.

Find the item you are looking for by navigating through the top menu. The 2021 Tuxedo Park Catalog is available to view online. We are proud to have made multiple donations to the above organizations. For the mythological character, see Moon rabbit. This article is about title character.

For the media franchise, see Sailor Moon. Japanese superheroine and the main protagonist and title character of the Sailor Moon manga series written by Naoko Takeuchi. In Sailor Moon, Usagi meets Luna, a magical talking black cat that is searching for the Moon Princess. Luna reveals that Usagi is destined to save Earth from the forces of evil and gives her a brooch to transform into Sailor Moon.

She asks Usagi to form the Sailor Guardians, find their princess and protect the “Silver Crystal”. Usagi is first introduced as living the life of a normal teenage schoolgirl in 20th-century Tokyo. Although well-meaning, she is an underachieving, accident-prone crybaby. These names reflect those of Naoko Takeuchi’s real-life family members. Mamoru and Usagi’s relationship is a significant part of Usagi’s personal life, as well as the series as a whole.

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