
Blueberry muffin strawberry shortcake

Strawberry Blueberry muffin strawberry shortcake is the main protagonist of Berry Bitty Adventures and a talented baker. Strawberry is a hard worker that runs the Berry Bitty Cafe and Berry Bitty Market.

She is open-minded and very kind, so many seek out her guidance or opinions. Strawberry Shortcake is a young, fair skinned girl with light pink lips and bright green eyes with freckles. Her curly waist-length hair is normally depicted as magenta or red, worn with a green and white striped bow adorned with a strawberry. At times she wears a pink strawberry hat. Normally, she wears a pink dotted dress with a white blouse depicting a strawberry surrounded by green diamonds, along with green an white striped tights, and pink Mary-Jane’s. During Seasons 3 and 4 Strawberry would sometimes pull her hair into a low ponytail. She also began wearing a pale pink and white striped tank-top with green short-shorts and pink flats during casual outings.

Sweet and upbeat, Strawberry remains positive and hopeful that thing’s will always work out in the end. She befriends others with ease and is always willing to help out, and she always tries to put their needs ahead of her own because of how deeply she cares about ensuring their happiness. Strawberry is also noted for her maturity and she normally remains level-headed. It takes something big to anger her or stress her out to the point of tears in comparison to the others. She tries her hardest to not let anything get her down and while she may not be as brainy as Blueberry, her selfless and open-minded innocence allows her to remain humble and modest. It’s these qualities that cause others to usually rely on her, choosing to make her the Lead of many projects or explorations unless she appoints the task to someone else that she feels may be better suited.

Prior to the cartoon series, in the pilot Strawberry was said to have been a published cookbook author. In the pilot movie, her personality was mostly the same but she was heavily suspicious and concerned over various things, and eventually suffered a breakdown when things became too hard for her to handle. However, with the others reminding her that this was unlike her, she soon snapped out of it. Strawberry Shortcake may be itty-bitty, but she’s full of big possibilities. She loves adventure and believes you can do anything if you try. She’s a berry good friend who’s always ready to help.

She’s kind and smart, and she loves her pets. With Strawberry Shortcake, things are growing better all the time. Strawberry possesses many talents and seems to be a natural when it comes to trying anything new. Her first and foremost favorite hobby and skill rely in baking or anything food-oriented. She runs the Berry Bitty Cafe by herself and can make just about anything, although she loves a chance to try new recipes.

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