
Blueberry apple crisp

Apple Crisp in a small dish with a spoon. Featured comment Blueberry apple crisp made this last night and it’s a bit scary how easy this is to make!

I might have to hide this recipe from myself or I’ll be making it way to often! Dessert today is brought to you by those end-of-fall sweet, juicy, ruby red apples that are just completely irresistible. Organic Honeycrisp, I’m looking at you. Today these apples are coated in cinnamon sugar and conveniently topped with a healthy, wholesome crumble that is made with oats, pecans, whole wheat flour, and coconut oil.

I don’t even like coconut oil. I say house, but ohhh hi again. We’re still living in the basement. Annnnd you know you’re an adult when: you talk about countertop fabricators in normal conversation. Five Minute Single Serving Apple Crisp with a wholesome oat, pecan, and coconut oil topping.

Made super fast in the microwave! Apple Crisp in a small white dish. As you might recall, in the basement we are lacking that one magical food box called the oven. T minus eight days, not that I’m literally counting days and hours and minutes or anything.

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