
Best way to freeze chicken broth

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Get my best recipes: join 50,000 others to make cooking easy and fun! You’ll be getting an email shortly to confirm your subscription. This really is the best chicken quesadillas recipe! So easy, these fajita-style quesadillas taste just as good, if not better, than any restaurant! Oh heavens, these cheesy, dreamy chicken quesadillas are good.

Packed with flavor from an easy, homemade seasoning mix, they are so quick and easy. Perfect for a simple weeknight meal! So easy, these quesadillas taste just as good, if not better, than any restaurant! Four chicken quesadillas stacked on white plate. Small glass bowl with salt, cumin, garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder, oregano, and pepper. Oh, you want to talk about the veggies? Feel free to adapt the veggies any which way you like.

Any color or variety of bell pepper will work. You can add jalapeños for some heat, use red onions OR yellow onions, add extra mushrooms or leave them out, throw in corn kernels or zucchini or any other vegetable you like. AND most importantly, it helps the quesadillas from being dry and lifeless. I use 8-inch tortillas, but you can make smaller or larger quesadillas depending on what size of tortillas you have. It’s simple and adaptable and any way you assemble, you’ll end up with a yummy quesadilla. Assembling quesadillas on tortilla with cheese, seasoned chicken, veggies, and more cheese. I wipe it clean with a paper towel after assembling the quesadillas and then add a tiny sploosh of oil before cooking the quesadillas.

The oil is optional but it adds an extra dimension of golden crispiness. And I’m never going to say no to extra golden crispiness. You can also use a cast iron skillet or a large griddle to cook the quesadillas. Two folded quesadillas cooking in skillet. You know, just in case anyone wants to go crazy, stack up their quesadilla triangles, slather with sour cream and salsa, top with avocados and cilantro, and dig in.

White platter of six chicken quesadilla triangles with a bowl of salsa, a cut avocado and a small wooden bowl of sour cream. However, I can promise you that this really is the best chicken quesadillas recipe. It takes boring, bland, dry quesadillas and transforms them into restaurant-level food. Three triangle quesadillas stacked on wooden board. In a 12-inch nonstick skillet, heat the oil over medium heat.

Sprinkle the remaining seasoning mixture over the veggies. Cook, stirring often, until the onions start to turn translucent and the vegetables start to soften. Continue cooking over medium heat for 2-3 minutes until the veggies are crisp-tender and the liquid has reduced slightly. Top the cheese with chicken, veggies, more cheese, and then fold the tortilla in half over the filling ingredients. Add a touch of oil to the pan for a crispier quesadilla. Cook the quesadillas on one side until golden, moderating the heat as needed, pressing lightly with a spatula to compress and flatten a bit, if desired. Cut into triangles and serve immediately.

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