
Best cannoli

Book Cover of “Leave the Gun, Best cannoli the Cannoli”. Leave the Gun, Take the Cannoli: The Epic Story of the Making of The Godfather is a non-fiction book written by Mark Seal detailing the making of the Academy Award-winning film, The Godfather.

Mario Puzo’s The Godfather remained on The New York Times Best Seller list for 67 weeks and sold over nine million copies in two years. Leave the Gun, Take the Cannoli begins as Mario Puzo’s novel is adapted into a screenplay for Paramount pictures. Exploring the casting, filming, and location scouting, this book explores filmmaking. The Italian Mafia, trying to control their depiction in the film, put pressure on the filmmakers.

Some members of the Mafia took offence at the way they were portrayed in the novel and wanted to change their character in the movie. The book has received positive reviews. The Kirk Center calls the book fantastic. The Washington Post claims the book has ” joyful energy, extensive research and breathless enthusiasm”. Archived from the original on July 17, 2014.

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