
Balsamic glazed chicken marinade

Make your next Grilled Salmon AMAZING with a balsamic glazed chicken marinade yet incredible Salmon Marinade that will infuse it with extra flavour! Bonus: it does double duty for basting and as the sauce for serving. Grilled Salmon I feel like a lot of people are intimidated at the thought of cooking salmon on the BBQ.

Fear of it sticking to the grill, of flaking into bits when handling it. Or of the sugar in marinades causing it to burn into a black bitter mess. Cooking salmon on the BBQ is easy when you know a couple of simple tips that make all the difference. You’ll love how the Salmon Marinade is also used to baste the salmon AND as a sauce for serving!

PS I totally manufactured the flare up you see below. Just cause I thought it looked cool! Secrets to the best Grilled Salmon ever! So here are my tips for perfect grilled salmon. The skin holds the salmon together much better when handling on the grill.

Serve the salmon with the skin peeled off, or serve as is and let people decide for themselves! 10 minutes or so to really make the marinade drip off. This tip is especially relevant when you have sugar in the marinade. Drizzle with oil just before cooking.

It is safer to cook on a lower  rather than higher temperature. The skin side is hardier and can take longer cooking if needed. Plus, it’s a general rule to cook the presentation side first. Do not move the salmon once you put it on the grill. If you’re a pro griller, you might feel confident enough to skip some of these. But for ordinary folk like myself you don’t want to risk the salmon, follow these for grilled salmon success every. I cannot endorse cooking salmon beyond medium!

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